Westeros Football Team

“Or you can probably insert your sport of choice to replace “football”, but since the football fever is rather high these days, I suppose this sport will have to for now.

In any case, these emblems are perfect for George R.R. Martin fans who also like getting their blood pumping, courtesy of their favorite sport. Yes, people like that do exist.

Ukrainian artist Yvan Degtyariov is obviously a fan of Martin’s fictional world and has some sporty blood in him as well. He conceptualized these logos for the great houses of Westeros and dubbed the collection as The Westeros Football League. Feast your eyes.”

“I do like the concept of The Westeros Football League, but I also have to be honest and say that I am a bit disappointed with the Stark emblem. The direwolf just doesn’t quite cut it for me in this case! In my opinion, the Targaryen and Martell logos are the best of the lot.

Here’s a thought. If the great houses had been war-shy and decided to settle matters with a football tournament, then we wouldn’t have had to deal with deaths left and right. Less stressful than the story as it is written, but it does have potential for fan fiction?

Seriously, though, if you want prints of these, visit Vanadium’s Society6 page. The logos are also available on t-shirts, for $22 each.”

Source: Vanadium via Forever Geek

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